A powerful API to issue invoicing

Facturapi offers an easy to implement API to send invoices for companies who receive online payments.

Project's overview

The main focus on this project was to create a new branding and landing page to answer the many questions the potential clients sent by email and improve the product's perceived reliability.


UX/UI Designer, illustrator and brand designer


Dec 2019- Jan 2020


Sketch, Adobe Suite, Mouseflow and contact with clients through Gmail.


  • Facturapi is a tool that only developers can implement, but business owners are looking for and need to incorporate it into their company processes.
  • Other than the information received in the emails, we used Mouseflow to understand where the users went on the website and what information they spend the most time reading.
  • This is a site made for Latin American companies so content is in Spanish.


The main pain points were:

  • Clients sent a lot of emails asking about what the service provides, how it is implemented and if it is a good fit for them.
  • What and how to pay were very popular questions on the emails too. The pricing scheme was not clear enough for the clients.
  • The design looks outdated.

Insights from research on Mouseflow and emails

  • We needed to create a story line shown in the landing that answered the questions we most often get asked by the clients
  • Pricing didn't specify all the things that were included and charged.
  • We needed to understand what kind of people was going trough the webpage, so we created user personas to explore their perspectives and needs.

Developing personas helped us understand how to craft our message more efficiently

We discovered that we needed to consider the business person too and speak to their needs.

Based on the personas, we created a presentation trying to identify the key messages we wanted to say.

And from there, start building the basics of the new landing and branding

Design basics

  • Colors changed to brighter hues to convey a modern look. Blue and green were chosen to communicate trust, technology, and finances.
  • We use Open Sans because of its readability and clean lines.
  • Illustrations changed to a soft 3D look to support the idea of technology and modernism.

Final design

The design came up being minimalistic, more visual oriented. I worked to give it a more professional look,

A closer look and Results

After all the changes were implemented, we increased the number of new subscriptions and stopped receiving emails asking the same questions over and over, which was a very good indicator for us that the changes made were working.

Some the changes we made that addressed the issues are:

  • Adding a general idea of what is possible to do with the platform into the first section of the landing. This made possible to speak to the decision makers and developers without excluding one another.
  • Adding the official logo of the Government institution related to this product, and labels  guaranteeing the service was legit, gave peace of mind to the customers.
  • The steps of how to use and integrate the product were added in a visual timeline. This answered a lot of the questions potential clients were asking about how to start using the product.
  • We added an interactive code demonstration window, this way developers could interact with the product and see how simple it is to use. Reducing this way, the fear or friction to start using the product.